Carlton Parish Council

Parish Clerk: C J Peat, 7 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, Warks, CV13 0BZ
Tel: 01455 290934

Meetings & Reports

Most recent agenda

10th July 2024

Background papers for next meeting

Latest minutes

The draft minutes below are subject to approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council, or next Parish Meeting.

8th May 2024 Annual Parish Meeting
10th July 2024 p.1946-49

Agendas 2024

10th January 2024
13th March 2024
8th May 2024
8th May 2024 Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes 2024

10th January 2024 p.1924-30
13th March 2024 p.1931-35
8th May 2024 p.1940-45

Reports 2024

Report 2024-01 Quarterly financial statement 1st October to 31st December 2023
Report 2024-02 Preliminary financial estimates 2024-25 Version 2
Report 2024-03 Approved budget for 2024-25.pdf
Report 2024-04 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2024
Report 2024-05 Summary financial statement 2023-24
Report 2024-06 Report on fixed assets held on 31st March 2024
Report 2024-07 Summary statements of earmarked funds and s137 expenditure
Report 2024-08 Annual review of property
Report 2024-09 Annual report on memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2024-10 Reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2024-11 Quarterly financial statement Apr-Jun 2024

Agendas 2023

11th January 2023
8th March 2023
17th May 2023 Annual Meeting
12th July 2023
13th September 2023
15th November 2023

Minutes 2023

11th January 2023 p.1885-1892
8th March 2023 p.1893-1897
17th May 2023 Annual Parish Meeting
17th May 2023 p.1902-08
12th July 2023 p.1909-14
13th September 2023 p.1915-19
15th November 2023 p.1920-23

Reports 2023

Report 2023-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2022
Report 2023-02 Annual review of risk management
Report 2023-03 Annual review of internal financial control
Report 2023-04 Approved budget for financial year 2023-24
Report 2023-05 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring
Report 2023-06 Reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2023-07 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2023
Report 2023-08 Summary financial statement 2022-23
Report 2023-09 Report on assets held on 31st March 2023
Report 2023-10 Summary statements of earmarked funds and s137 expenditure
Report 2023-11 Annual review of property
Report 2023-12 Annual report on memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2023-13 Survey of roadside ash trees
Report 2023-14 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2023
Report 2023-15 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2023
Report 2023-16 Preliminary financial estimates for 2024-25 version 1
Report 2023-17 Speed and traffic monitoring

Agendas 2022

12th January 2022
9th March 2022
11th May 2022
11th May 2022 Annual Parish Meeting
13th July 2022
28th September 2022
9th November 2022

Minutes 2022

12th January 2022 p.1846-1852
9th March 2022 p.1853-1857
11th May 2022 p.1863-1868
11th May 2022 Annual Parish Meeting
13th July 2022 p.1869-1873
28th September 2022 p.1874-1879
9th November 2022 p.1880-1884

Reports 2022

Report 2022-01 Quarterly financial statement October-December 2021
Report 2022-02 Annual review of risk management
Report 2022-03 Annual review of internal financial control
Report 2022-04 Approved budget for financial year 2022-23
Report 2022-05 Proposal to change Carlton Parish Boundary
Report 2022-06 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2022
Report 2022-07 Summary financial statement for 2021-22
Report 2022-08 Report on assets held on 31st March 2022
Report 2022-09 Summary statements of earmarked funds and s137 expenditure
Report 2022-10 Annual review of property
Report 2022-11 Annual report on memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2022-12 Revised proposal to change Carlton Parish Boundary
Report 2022-13 Annual reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2022-14 Significant trees in Carlton
Report 2022-15 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2022
Report 2022-16 Survey of roadside ash trees
Report 2022-17 Quarterly report on speed and traffic monitoring
Report 2022-18 Quarterly financial statement July-September 2022
Report 2022-19 Preliminary financial estimates for 2023-24 Version 1
Report 2022-20 Traffic in Carlton - overview
Report 2022-21 Survey of local bridleways
Report 2022-22 Preliminary financial estimates 2023-24 version 2

Agendas 2021

13th January 2021
12th May 2021 Annual Meeting of Carlton Parish Council
12th May 2021 Annual Parish Meeting
14th July 2021
9th November 2021

Minutes 2021

13th January 2021 p.1820-1824
12th May 2021 p.1829-1835 (Annual Meeting of Parish Council)
12th May 2021 Annual Parish Meeting
14th July 2021 p.1836-1839
9th November 2021 p.1840-1845

Reports 2021

Report 2021-01 Constitution of the Carlton Parish Plan Group (CPPG)
Report 2021-02 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2020
Report 2021-03 Annual review of risk management
Report 2021-04 Annual review of internal financial control
Report 2021-05 Preliminary financial estimates for 2021-22 Version 3
Report 2021-06 Approved budget for 2021-22
Report 2021-07 Survey of local public rights of way
Report 2021-08 Quarterly financial statement 1st Janury-31st March 2021
Report 2021-09 Summary financial statement for 2020-21
Report 2021-10 Summary statements of earmarked funds and s137 expenditure
Report 2021-11 Report on assets held on 31st March 2021
Report 2021-12 Annual review of property
Report 2021-13 Annual report on memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2021-14 Annual reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2021-15 Quarterly financial statement 1st April - 30th June 2021
Report 2021-16 Survey of roadside ash trees
Report 2021-17 Quarterly report on speed and traffic monitoring
Report 2021-18 Quarterly financial statement 1st July - 30th September 2021
Report 2021-19 Preliminary financial estimates for 2022-23 Version 1
Report 2021-20 Preliminary financial estimates for 2022-23 Version 2

Agendas 2020

8th January 2020
12th February 2020
11th March 2020
8th July 2020
9th September 2020
9th December 2020

Minutes 2020

8th January 2020 p.1788-94
12th February 2020 p.1795-98
11th March 2020 p.1799-1802

There was no Annual Parish Meeting in May 2020 because of Covid-19 restrictions

8th July 2020 p.1803-1809
9th September 2020 p.1810-1813
9th December 2020 p.1814-1819

Reports 2020

Report 2020-01 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring October - December 2019
Report 2020-02 Review of speed and traffic monitoring 1994-2019
Report 2020-03 Quarterly financial statement October-December 2019
Report 2020-04 Annual review of risk management
Report 2020-05 Annual review of internal financial control
Report 2020-06 Preliminary financial estimates for 2020-21 Version 2
Report 2020-07 Approved budget for 2020-21
Report 2020-08 Quarterly report on speed and traffic monitoring: Jan - March 2020
Report 2020-09 Quarterly financial statement January-March 2020
Report 2020-10 Summary financial statement for 2019-20
Report 2020-11 Summary statements of earmarked funds & s137 expenditure.pdf
Report 2020-12 Report on assets held on 31st March 2020
Report 2020-13 Annual review of property
Report 2020-14 Annual report on memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2020-15 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2020
Report 2020-16 Annual reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2020-17 Survey of roadside ash trees
Report 2020-18 Monitoring of churchyard wall
Report 2020-19 Proposed Information Board
Report 2020-20 Preliminary financial estimates for 2021-22 Version 1
Report 2020-21 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring
Report 2020-22 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2020
Report 2020-23 Preliminary financial estimates for 2021-22 Version 2

Agendas 2019

9th January 2019
13th February 2019
13th March 2019
10th April 2019
8th May 2019
12th June 2019
31st July 2019
11th September 2019
9th October 2019
13th November 2019

Minutes 2019

9th January 2019 p.1736-42
13th February 2019 p.1743-47
13th March 2019 p.1748-51
10th April 2019 p.1752-55
8th May 2019 p.1760-63 (Annual Meeting of Parish Council)
8th May 2019 Annual Parish Meeting
12th June 2019 p.1764-68
31st July 2019 p.1769-74
11th September 2019 p.1775-78
9th October 2019 p.1779-83
13th November 2019 p.1784-87

Reports 2019

Report 2019-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2018
Report 2019-02 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring Oct-Dec 2018
Report 2019-03 Annual review of risk management
Report 2019-04 Annual review of internal financial control
Report 2019-05 Preliminary financial estimates for 2019-20
Report 2019-06 Approved budget for 2019-20
Report 2019-07 Submission to the Borough Council Heritage Strategy
Report 2019-08 Review of Carlton News
Report 2019-09 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring - Jan-Mar 2019
Report 2019-10 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2019
Report 2019-11 Summary financial statement 2018-19
Report 2019-12 Summary statements of earmarked funds & s137 expenditure
Report 2019-13 Assets held on 31st March 2019
Report 2019-14 Annual review of property
Report 2019-15 Condition of memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2019-16 Annual reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2019-17 Survey of roadside ash trees
Report 2019-18 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2019
Report 2019-19 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring April - June 2019
Report 2019-20 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring July - September 2019
Report 2019-21 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2019
Report 2019-22 Preliminary financial estimates for 2010-21 Version 1

Agendas 2018

10th January 2018
14th February 2018
14th March 2018
11th April 2018
9th May 2018 Annual Parish Meeting
9th May 2018 Annual Meeting of Parish Council
13th June 2018
25th July 2018
12th September 2018
10th October 2018
14th November 2018

Minutes 2018

10th January 2018 p.1683-90
14th February 2018 p.1691-94
14th March 2018 p.1695-98
11th April 2018 p.1698-1703
9th May 2018 Annual Parish Meeting
9th May 2018 p.1707-11 (Annual Meeting of Parish Council)
13th June 2018 p.1712-15
25th July 2018 p.1716-20
12th September 2018 p.1721-25
10th October 2018 p.1726-29
14th November 2018 p.1730-35

Reports 2018

Report 2018-01 Quarterly financial statement October-December 2017
Report 2018-02 Annual review of risk management
Report 2018-03 Annual Review of Internal financial control
Report 2018-04 Financial estimates for 2018-19 Draft 2
Report 2018-05 Approved budget for 2018-19
Report 2018-06 General Data Protection Regulation
Report 2018-07: Report on condition of churchyard retaining wall
Report 2018-08 Quarterly financial statement January-March 2018
Report 2018-09 Summary financial statement for 2017-18
Report 2018-10 Annual reports from parish representatives and organisations
Report 2018-11 Summary statements of earmarked funds & s137 expenditure
Report 2018-12 Assets held on 31st March 2018
Report 2018-13 Annual review of property
Report 2018-14 Condition of memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2018-15 Index to Parish Council minutes January 1951- December 2017
Report 2018-16 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2018
Report 2018-17 Quarterly report on traffic and speed monitoring
Report 2018-18 Quarterly financial statement July - Sept 2018
Report 2018-19 Highways approaches to Carlton
Report 2018-20 Preliminary financial estimates for 2019-20

Agendas 2017

11th January 2017
8th February 2017
8th March 2017
12th April 2017
10th May 2017 Annual Parish Meeting
10th May 2017 Annual Meeting of Parish Council
14th June 2017
26th July 2017
13th September 2017
11th October 2017
8th November 2017

Minutes 2017

11th January 2017 p.1636-42
8th February 2017 p.1643-46
8th March 2017 p.1647-50
12th April 2017 p.1651-54
10th May 2017 Annual Parish Meeting
10th May 2017 p.1658-62 (Annual Meeting of Parish Council)
14th June 2017 p.1663-65
26th July 2017 p.1666-69
13th September 2017 p.1670-73
11th October 2017 p.1674-77
8th November 2017 p.1678-82

Reports 2017

Report 2017-01 Quarterly financial report Oct-Dec 2016
Report 2017-02 Annual review of risk management
Report 2017-03 Annual Review of Internal financial control
Report 2017-04 Financial estimates for 2017-18
Report 2017-05 Approved budget for 2017-18
Report 2017-06 Survey of highway gullies
Report 2017-07 Quarterly financial statement Jan-March 2017
Report 2017-08 Summary financial statement for 2016-17
Report 2017-09 Reports from Representatives and Parish Organisations
Report 2017-10 Summary statements of earmarked funds & s137 expenditure
Report 2017-11 Assets held on 31st March 2017
Report 2017-12 Inventory
Report 2017-13 Annual Report on Condition of Parish Council Property
Report 2017-14 Condition of memorials in the churchyard and cemetery
Report 2017-15 Quarterly financial statement 1st April-30th June
Report 2017-16 Quarterly financial statement 1st July - 30th Sept
Report 2017-17 Budget for 2018-19 draft 1

Agendas 2016

13th January 2016
10th February 2016
13th April 2016
11th May 2016 Annual Parish Meeting
11th May 2016 Annual Meeting of Parish Council
8th June 2016
27th July 2016
14th September 2016
12th October 2016
9th November 2016

Minutes 2016

13th January 2016 p.1590-97
10th Feb