Carlton Parish Council

Parish Clerk: C J Peat, 7 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, Warks, CV13 0BZ
Tel: 01455 290934


Financial estimates for the next financial year are discussed and agreed at the Annual Finance Meeting held in January. The financial year begins on 1st April and ends on 31st March of the following calendar year.

The Parish Council is required to make an annual return each year to external auditors appointed by the Audit Commission. This return summarises the council's financial position and compliance with accounting standards. The accounting statements and supporting documentation are open to public inspection each year: copies can be found in the list below.

A Quarterly Financial Report is prepared at the end of each quarter, and a Summary Financial Statement is prepared at the end of each financial year. These reports are listed below, and can also be found on the Meetings and Reports page of this website. A summary of the accounts is published as part of the Annual Report each year - these can be found under Council information on this website.

The Parish Council conducts its business in accordance with a set of Financial Regulations which are reviewed from time to time.

Financial year 2024-25

Report 2023-16 Preliminary financial estimates for 2024-25 version 1
Report 2024-02 Preliminary financial estimates 2024-25 Version 2
Report 2024-03 Approved budget for financial year 2024-25.pdf
Report 2024-11 Quarterly financial statement Apr-Jun 2024

Financial year 2023-24

Report 2022-19 Preliminary financial estimates for 2023-24 Version 1
Report 2022-22 Preliminary financial estimates 2023-24 version 2
Report 2023-04 Approved budget for financial year 2023-24.pdf
Report 2023-14 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2023
Report 2023-15 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2023
Report 2024-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2023
Report 2024-04 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2024
Report 2024-05 Summary financial statement 2023-24
Report 2024-07 Summary statements of earmarked funds and s137 expenditure
Receipts and payments accounts 2023-24
Annual Governance and Accountability Return & supporting documents 2023-24 (unaudited)
Notice of Public Rights - 2nd June 2024

Financial year 2022-23

Report 2021-19 Preliminary financial estimates for 2022-23 Version 1
Report 2021-20 Preliminary financial estimates for 2022-23 Version 2
Report 2022-04 Approved budget for financial year 2022-23
Report 2022-15 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2022
Report 2022-18 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2022
Report 2023-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2022
Report 2023-07 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2023
Report 2023-08 Summary financial statement 2022-23
Receipts and payments accounts 2022-23
Annual Governance and Accountability Return & supporting documents 2022-23 (unaudited)
Notice of audit and electors rights 2022-23
Notice of conclusion of audit 2022-23

Financial year 2021-22

Report 2020-20 Preliminary financial estimates for 2021-22 Version 1
Report 2020-23 Preliminary financial estimates for 2021-22 Version 2
Report 2021-05 Preliminary financial estimates for 2021-22 Version 3
Report 2021-06 Approved budget for 2021-22
Report 2021-15 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2021
Report 2021-18 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2021
Report 2022-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2021
Report 2022-06 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2022
Report 2022-07 Summary financial statement for 2021-22
Receipts and payments accounts 2021-22
Annual Governance and Accountability Return & supporting documents 2021-22 (unaudited)
Notice of audit and electors rights 2021-22

Financial year 2020-21

Report 2019-22 Preliminary financial estimates for 2010-21 Version 1
Report 2020-06 Preliminary financial estimates for 2020-21 Version 2
Report 2020-07 Approved budget for 2020-21
Report 2020-15 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2020
Report 2020-22 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2020
Report 2021-02 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2020
Report 2021-08 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2021
Receipts & payments account book 2020-21
Annual Governance and Accountability Return & supporting documents 2020-21 (unaudited)
Report 2021-09 Summary financial statement for 2020-21
Formal Notice of Audit and a Summary of Your Rights 2020-21

Financial year 2019-20

Report 2018-20 Preliminary financial estimates for 2019-20
Report 2019-05 Preliminary financial estimates for 2019-20
Report 2019-06 Approved budget for 2019-20
Report 2019-18 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2019
Report 2019-21 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2019
Report 2020-03 Quarterly financial statement October-December 2019
Report 2020-09 Quarterly financial statement January-March 2020
Receipts & payments account book 2019-20
Annual Governance and Accountability Return & supporting documents 2019-20 (unaudited)
Report 2020-10 Summary financial statement for 2019-20

Financial year 2018-19

Report 2017-17 Financial estimates for 2018-19 Draft 1
Report 2018-04 Financial estimates for 2018-19 Draft 2
Report 2018-05 Approved budget for 2018-19
Report 2018-16 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2018
Report 2018-18 Quarterly financial statement July - Sept 2018
Report 2019-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2018
Report 2019-10 Quarterly financial statement Jan-Mar 2019
Receipts & payments account book 2018-19
Annual Governance and Accountability Return & supporting documents 2018-19 (unaudited)
Report 2019-11 Summary financial statement 2018-19

Financial year 2017-18

Financial estimates for 2017-18
Approved budget for 2017-18
Report 2017-15 Quarterly financial statement April-June 2017
Report 2017-16 Quarterly financial statement July-Sept 2017
Report 2018-01 Quarterly financial statement Oct-Dec 2017
Report 2018-08 Quarterly financial statement January-March 2018
Report 2018-09 Summary financial statement for 2017-18
Receipts & payments account book 2017-18
Annual Governance & Accountability Return & supporting documents 2017-18 (unaudited)
Public notice of inspection period for 2017-18 accounts
Report 2018-11 Summary statements of earmarked funds & s137 expenditure
Report 2018-12 Assets held on 31st March 2018

Financial year 2016-17

Financial estimates for 2016-17
Approved budget for 2016-17
Quarterly financial report Apr-Jun 2016
Quarterly financial report July-Sept 2016
Quarterly financial report Oct-Dec 2016
Quarterly financial statement Jan-March 2017
Summary financial statement for 2016-17
Receipts & Payments account book 2016-17
Public notice of inspection period for 2016-17 accounts
Notice of conclusion of audit
Certified Annual Return 2016-17

Financial year 2015-16

Financial estimates for 2015-16
Approved budget for 2015-16
Quarterly financial report April-June 2015
Quarterly financial report July-Sept 2015
Quarterly financial report Oct-Dec 2015
Quarterly financial report Jan-Mar 2016
Summary financial statement for 2015-16
Receipts & Payments Account book 2015-16
Notice of public inspection period and unaudited External Audit Return 2015-16
Notice of conclusion of audit
Certified Annual Return