Carlton Parish Council

Parish Clerk: C J Peat, 7 Main Street, Carlton, Nuneaton, Warks, CV13 0BZ
Tel: 01455 290934

St Andrew's Community Hub

Latest news

Building work on the Hub was completed in November 2022, and the Hub was opened for a Christmas coffee morning and sale on Saturday 4th December.

The Community Hub is now open for bookings - contact Pat Lockwood on 01455-292542.

What are we doing ?

We want to create a community space in St Andrew's Church for Carlton and the surrounding villages, particularly to support the more isolated and vulnerable in our rural community. The plans are shown below.

St Andrews Community Hub plan drawing, January 2021

Why are we doing it ?

Carlton has a growing population, and this growth is expected to continue.

St Andrew's Church is the only public building in Carlton.

79% of respondents to the 2011 Parish Plan wanted a community facility in the church.

When are we doing it ?

Building work began in June 2021, and should be complete in November.

Who is doing it ?

The project is led by Carlton Parochial Church Council with its associated charity The Friends of St Andrew's Church Carlton and is supported by Carlton Parish Council.

Carlton has received substantial pledges towards the project from AR Demolition, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, Leicestershire County Council, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Bernard Sunley Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund, with many additional donations from charities and individuals. Thank you all.


Though we now have the money we need to build the Hub, you can still support the project by making a donation. Each donor will be added to a scroll of honour to be located in the Hub. Please contact Robin Arnold for further information at

Cheques should be made payable to The Friends of St Andrew's Church Carlton.

Background information

Full planning permission for the works was granted on 23rd July 2019, and drawings and background information can be found on the Borough Council website under planning application number 19/00834/FUL.

Progress has been reported in a series of articles in Carlton News ........

February 2022 - St Andrews Community Hub
November 2021 - Building St Andrews Community Hub
August 2021 - Building St Andrews Community Hub
May 2021 - Carlton Community Hub
February 2021 - Carlton Community Hub
November 2020 - Carlton Community Hub
August 2020 - Carlton Community Hub
May 2020 - Carlton Community Hub

Photo gallery

October 22nd 2021.  Hub building completed November 29th 2021.  Church in snow November 29th 2021.  Church in snow

October 22nd 2021. Hub building completed. November 29th 2021. Church building in snow.

October 22nd 2021.  New church path completed

October 22nd 2021. New church path completed

September 5th 2021.  Walls completed

September 5th 2021. Walls completed

September 5th 2021.  Base of church path laid

September 5th 2021. Base of church path laid

August 17th 2021.  Stonework plinth completed

August 17th 2021. Stonework plinth completed

August 17th 2021.  Wider view showing the works in context.  The old slate gravestones have been covered for protection

August 17th 2021. Wider view showing the works in context. The old slate gravestones have been covered for protection

August 7th 2021 - Cutting out for door to tower

Cutting out for door to tower

August 7th 2021 - Base of outer stonework in place

August 7th 2021 - Base of outer stonework in place

July 20th 2021 - Base of walls in place

July 20th 2021 - Base of walls set out

July 9th 2021 - Ready for bricklaying to begin

July 9th 2021 - Ready for bricklaying to begin

 Concrete raft foundation in place

Concrete raft foundation in place

Inside Church - south side of aisle, looking towards vestry.  Bricks are site of old coke heating stove

Inside Church - south side of aisle, looking towards vestry. Bricks are site of old coke heating stove

Church interior, north side of aisle looking west

Inside Church - north side of aisle, looking towards church door

Excavation ready for laying floor slab

Excavation ready for laying floor slab

Raised section of footpath S69

Raised section of footpath S69 at entrance to cemetery

Levelled area of the churchyard

Levelled-up area of the churchyard

Excavation for the raft foundation

Excavation for the raft foundation

Setting-out of the footings

Setting-out for the footings